Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Name Is Diana and I'm A Twi-hard...

I love Twilight, the entire series. My kid sister introduced me and I will ever revere her name for pushing them on me. Seriously, she guilt tripped me into reading the first one, but I love them and have never looked back. I read them every year and keep them in a drawer next to my bed. I also have the soundtracks and every DVD thus far. I jealously guard them and I don't feel bad about it.

What I love the most about them is the fact that Stephanie Meyer wrote such a fabulous story without a lot of crap. I have heard critics ridicule the notion that abstinence among teens in unrealistic, but how many teens (and adults) have absolutely fallen in love with these books. Apparently a story can be compelling and still retain certain values. She is my hero.

I love J.K. Rowling (writer of Harry Potter, for those of you living under a rock) for the same reason. They have written amazing stories with minimal (if any) garbage.

Now there are other critics who scream, "they're promoting witchcraft!" and other such dark opinions but these are also the people who take exception to Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. It's called fantasy, people! Get a grip. I know where I stand on things so don't worry your crazy little heads about the message I'm sending.

I will probably never be a top selling author but if given the opportunity to publish my books, I will never have cause to regret anything I have written. You don't need garbage to sell a story so if you use garbage, the story wasn't that good to begin with. Just sayin'.

Can I get a witness? 


Jenni said...


Unknown said...

You tell 'em sistah!!

Chrystal said...

I believe the correct term is "twi-tard". hehe...

But really, while I'm not a huge fan of the Twilight saga, I do love that they are fairly clean and promote good values and stuff. :)

Julianne said...

Right there with ya! Have you read "Wings" yet? There are 3 with another coming out next year.