Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I know I Shouldn't Complain...

Because I did it to myself.

I was reading a friends blog today and she was commenting on the fact that all four of her children are now in school and thus she has free time, or rather, kid-free time. Her children are the same ages as mine, within months, and I have to admit, I'm feeling a little bit jealous. Had I not decided to homeschool my children, I would be in the same empty boat.

What was I thinking?! I could be doing so many kid free activities right now. I could be studying for exams without "MOM! Eeny's closing the door in my face!" or "MOM!! Tell Meeny to stop being...a meanie!" I tell you what, if I ever felt it seemed like a good idea at the time, this is one of those times.

As I said, I can't complain because this was a choice that I made. Would I do it again? It depends on the day. Is it worth it? That remains to be seen. Would I give it up for more free time? I think not.

So enjoy your kid-free time, Mom's. You've earned it. And while you're at it, enjoy some for me, too.


Heather said...
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Anonymous said...

Ya know, there's a cure for your jealousy issues! It's called public school!

Heather said...

Oh, I almost forgot, I wuv u pb!