Monday, August 1, 2011

You Don't Have To Be Sick To Be Nauseous

I resubmitted my manuscript this morning. The willies that accompanied that first submission came along for the second. I can't believe how much my poor melon is throbbing. Thankfully I'll be starting back to school soon so I'll have something to keep me busy while I wait to hear back.

As with the first submission, I sent one copy and then had one coil bound for myself. The girl who bound the first copy, bound this second one too. She asked if I was sending the book to be published and I told her it was a resubmission. She said she thought she remembered binding the first one and then she got excited and said she'd like to read it if it gets published and then commented on how excited SHE was. Oh my gosh!!! That just made my day. It also pushed me over the giddy edge.

If this is how I feel just submitting it, I'm going to be a wreck if it gets picked up!

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